Ready for a better sex life?

Download our eBook now:

"How Hot Can You Get?
Seven Simple Steps to Sizzling Sex"

We believe sexual healing and freedom are societal mandates.

After meeting last year as panelists on the "Dare To Date Differently" Summit from The School For Love, we were inspired to collaborate on some books and courses. Like many educators and counselors, we are teaching that which we are passionately learning.

Amy Weissfeld

As a certified Somatic Sex Educator and Coach, Amy provides a compassionate, body–based approach to sexual health and wellness – a sort of sex therapy for the body. She is deeply passionate about healing the world through pleasure, about truth in relating, about choice and voice, about empowerment and about joyful living.

She is also a School of Consent Teacher, a Betty Dodson Bodysex and Orgasm Coach, Sexological Bodyworker, Mother, Wife and Fierce Friend.

Her life’s purpose is to empower people to live fully and joyfully in our bodies; to see and believe in our own beauty. Because knowing yourself and your own body makes you happy and whole. It also makes for better community and a healthier planet.

Peace Buffalo (he/they)

An old soul who comes alive with the laughter of children, the wind rippling through tall Birch trees, the neverending crash of white rushing waves at the bottom of a waterfall, and staccato breathing as lovers gently touch one another for their partners’ pleasure and their own. He travels the byways of the world – always seeking out other lifelong learners, ecstatic dancers, nature lovers, truth seekers, and other open-minded people.

He is committed to closing the orgasm gap and destigmatizing STI’s in today’s modern complicated sexual landscape. On the one hand, he has fulfilled a quest he’d determined around puberty: blending spirituality and sexuality. On the other hand, he has yet to graduate from the School of Life and is still working on his New York Times’ bestseller.

"I just read your e-booklet. You have some good things in there, and I especially appreciate the emphasis on touch that is unrushed, not with orgasm as the destination to race toward. Seems like too many people are still having sex like they did in their teens & 20s. Even those of us who have figured those things out sometimes need to be reminded that it's about the journey as well as the destination!" --Carol in Seattle

(c) 2023